Grimm Krupa, Warner to Host Farmers’ Appreciation Breakfast

April 24, 2023

MCCLELLANDTOWN – Reps. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) and Ryan Warner (R-Fayette) are hosting a breakfast for area farmers, those with agriculture-related businesses and the public to show Fayette County’s appreciation for all the hard work they do to help put food on people’s tables.

The event will be Saturday, May 13, from 9 a.m. to noon at Fiddler’s Hall on the Fayette County Fairgrounds, 132 Pechin Road, Dunbar.

“Growing up on a farm, I witnessed firsthand how much time and effort our farmers give to growing our food,” Grimm Krupa said. “Whether it’s fruits, vegetables, grains or livestock, Pennsylvania’s agriculture industry is helping to feed not only the Commonwealth, but the entire country. It’s only right that we return the favor with a warm meal for our farmers.”

“I, too, am proud of my agricultural roots and am so grateful to the men and women who work in our fields day in and day out,” Warner said. “I always look forward to the opportunity to meet our farmers and thank them in person for all they do.”

During breakfast, lawmakers will discuss Pennsylvania’s top industry and its significance to the local economy and health of the community. They will also honor our local winners from this year’s Pennsylvania Farm show.

Please call the district office at 724-438-6100 or visit to register.

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Representative Charity Grimm Krupa
51st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: 724-438-6100 /

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