Grimm Krupa Voices Concern Over Shapiro’s Automatic Voter Registration

September 22, 2023

MCCLELLANDTOWN – This week, Gov. Josh Shapiro announced his administration will start automatically registering anyone to vote who either obtains or renews their driver’s license or state I.D.

Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) issued the following statement on the move:

“The day before a special election in Allegheny County, Gov. Shapiro uses executive action to start automatically registering people to vote. I do not wish to question the motive behind this move. However, with confidence in our election system near an all-time low, I do question the timing.

“I support all eligible Pennsylvanians registering and exercising their right to vote. But why would the governor rush an executive directive on something so important rather than allow the General Assembly to do our jobs? 

“This system has not been properly vetted. We’re not sure if this system can differentiate between those who can be issued state I.D. but are not allowed to vote. What about drivers under the age of 18? There are legislative proposals that would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. If those proposals pass, how would this system ensure these people aren’t automatically registered to vote?

“The irony of a Democrat ordering automatic voter registration through state I.D. is not lost on me. Republicans have supported using state I.D. to prove voters’ identities at the polls. Democrats have fought this for years, yet now those same state I.D. cards will automatically register you to vote.

“With this move, the governor continued a worrying trend of administrative oversteps. Let the General Assembly do what the people elected us to do; make the laws.”

Representative Charity Grimm Krupa
51st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: 724-438-6100 /


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