Grimm Krupa: 51st District Will Keep Fighting Carbon Capture, Other Environmental Injustices

July 16, 2024

MCCLELLANDTOWN – Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) issued the following statement after House passage of Senate Bill 831, which would establish a carbon capture industry in Pennsylvania.

“Here in southern Fayette County, we have fought against millions of gallons of toxic frack water being pumped underneath our farmland in Nicholson Township. We are fighting against industrial solar invading our residential communities in Georges Township. Now, we will be fighting a bill that would force experimental carbon capture upon us by government officials and rich corporations!

“One thing that I’ve learned in Harrisburg is that the closer you get to the budget being passed, the more deplorable the bills that get pushed through. Senate Bill 831, which could allow multi-billion-dollar corporations to force opposed landowners to allow captured carbon to be stored in the sub-surface area of their property, was pushed through the same day the budget was passed.

“This bill is fundamentally flawed both in its environmental approach and in its disregard for the constitutional rights of Pennsylvania’s landowners. Carbon capture is still in experimental stages, and no one knows for sure the consequences that it could have on the environment. There is potential for leakage, which could lead to the release of stored carbon back into the atmosphere, negating any short-term benefits. Such leaks could also contaminate groundwater or have extremely adverse effects on air quality, posing serious health risks to nearby communities.

“Furthermore, this bill is a clear violation of the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guarantees no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The government cannot simply override private property rights for the sake of expediency or economic gain.

“This bill sets a dangerous precedent. If we allow the government to infringe upon subsurface rights today, what other property rights may be at risk tomorrow?

“Unfortunately, the bill passed the House and is now on the governor’s desk. I urge every property owner in the 51st District, and across Pennsylvania, to let your governor know that unconstitutional legislation that may jeopardize our health and safety has no place in our Commonwealth!”

Representative Charity Grimm Krupa
51st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: 724-438-6100 /

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