Grimm Krupa to Hold Free License Plate Replacement Event

August 28, 2024

MCCLELLANDTOWN – Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) invites residents of the 51st Legislative District to join her Friday, Aug. 30, to replace damaged or faded license plates for free.

Fayette County Sheriff James Custer and his office will be teaming up with Grimm Krupa for this event. It will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Fayette County Recycling Center, located at 105 Romeo Lane in Uniontown.

“You could face hefty fines if your vehicle’s license plate is damaged, faded or peeling,” said Grimm Krupa. “Not only will this event help you avoid the fines, but you’ll also get a new plate for free! As soon as Sheriff Custer’s team signs off, we will help you fill out the proper paperwork to get you a replacement.”

Drivers need to bring their driver’s license and vehicle registration card to the event. Once PennDOT processes the paperwork, they’ll receive a new plate at no cost.

Please call Grimm Krupa’s district office at 724-438-6100 or visit to register.

Representative Charity Grimm Krupa
51st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: 724-438-6100 /

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