Grimm Krupa Responds After Appropriations Chair Threatens to Refuse Recognition During Budget Hearing

February 21, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) issued this statement following the House Appropriations budget hearing with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation:

“During our hearing this week with the PennDOT secretary, I asked him whether the governor was using a taxpayer-funded resource for his personal benefit. The secretary replied that he didn’t think so and suggested that I might use taxpayer resources the same way.

“When I tried to respond to this allegation, the Democrat Chair of the House Appropriations Committee cut me off, and said ‘you will not overtalk me, or it will be the last time you talk.’

“I believe the chair thought I was disrespecting him, but that was certainly not my intention. I was simply trying to defend myself from what I felt was an inappropriate suggestion about potentially unethical use of taxpayer dollars. I wanted the record to show that I would not engage in that type of activity.

“While I feel the secretary’s words were inappropriate, I’m more concerned about the reaction by the House Appropriations chair. Threatening to refuse to recognize me throughout the budget process not only prevents me from adequately representing my district but also hampers House Republicans’ ability to ask important questions of our state agencies about the use of taxpayer money.

“We have a duty to ensure our Commonwealth is spending our hardworking taxpayers’ dollars wisely. It’s our job to ask tough questions. I have no problem defending myself from the secretary, or anyone else who may question my character. But to be blocked from having the chance to defend myself, then threatening to refuse my recognition when trying to do so, is not in the spirit of transparency Pennsylvanians deserve.”

Representative Charity Grimm Krupa
51st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: 724-438-6100 /


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