Grimm Krupa Responds to Governor’s New Policy on State Aircraft

February 28, 2025

HARRISBURG – Following a report that the governor’s office will now publicize flight logs when using Pennsylvania State Police aircraft, Rep. Charity Grimm Krupa (R-Fayette) issued the following statement:

“Thanks to persistent reporting from the press and Sens. Scott Martin and Jarrett Coleman asking the right questions, we’ve learned that Gov. Josh Shapiro has been using state police aircraft in lieu of the plane operated by PennDOT. Flight logs for PennDOT’s plane are updated and publicized monthly, but that hasn’t been the case for state police aircraft.

“While I’m glad to hear flight logs for the governor’s trips on state police aircraft will now be subject to the same treatment, I believe the governor still has some work to do if he wants to be truly transparent. We currently have no idea just how frequently the governor was using the state police aircraft. The governor should publicize all records for the state police flights he has taken so that we can learn exactly how many taxpayer dollars have been spent flying him across the Commonwealth.

“Further, it’s time to take a vote on my bill to limit the use of the state airplane to official business only. This legislation would also prevent passengers from engaging in political activities or attending sporting events, even if those activities or events are incidental to the official business. It is not the taxpayers’ responsibility to fund any of the governor’s trips that mix business with pleasure.

“The governor’s new policy is a step in the right direction, but we have a long way to go.”

Representative Charity Grimm Krupa
51st District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Contact: 724-438-6100 /

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